Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hacquetia epipactis 2009

I showed this to you last year; as you can see the plant is getting thicker and more floriferous.

This is a favorite. And no plant I have featured on my web site or blog has elicited as many requests for information about sources.


  1. OK, I'll bite...what's a good American source for Epipactis? I see them listed at Pacific Rim and Fraser's, but I can't find a US source...

  2. First, let’s get the names straight. The word Epipactis (note the initial capital letter) is the genus name of a group of orchids.
    The plant which is the subject of my blog entries is Hacquetia epipactis : note the initial capital letter of Hacquetia and the lower case initial letter of epipactis. Hacquetia is the name of the genus, and epipactis is the name of the species. Hacquetia is a member of the carrot/parsley family (Umbelliferae, sometimes called Apiaceae). Thus Epipactis and Hacquetia are not at all closely related.

    I do not know of a domestic source for Hacquetia. As soon as someone lets me know of one, I’ll post the information on my blog.

  3. Thanks for the response; just a case of typing too fast on the genus name vs. specific epithet.
