Monday, April 4, 2011

Cymbidium goeringii

This lovely little bit of jade is Cymbidium goeringii, one of several greenish-flowered terrestrial orchids which have been celebrated for centuries in several southeastern Asian cultures as traditional spring flowers. As you can see, it's beautiful; and it's also sweetly fragrant. It's said to be hardy in USDA zone 7 (our zone), but I'm growing it in a cold frame for now. My friend Kevin who lives a bit north and east of here is growing it out in the open, and when I emailed him a few weeks ago he said things looked fine there (although his plant was not in bud yet). Although north of here, he's closer to the bay and at a lower elevation - and so his garden might be milder than this one.
The label which came with my plant indicated that the plant was a Japanese form of the species. Elsewhere I read that the Japanese forms are less likely to be well scented than the Chinese forms. I'll keep my eyes open for plants of Chinese provenance.


  1. Your plant looks beautiful. I was wondering what do you mean by growing on a "cold frame". I also have a cymbidium. It did survive the Winter inside and I would like to see flowers one day. I live in Frederick, MD

  2. Ludisia, a cold frame is simply a rectangular frame of wood over which is placed a glass top. See here for more information:

    Cymbidium goeringii is one of the most cold tolerant Cymbidium. The one you are growing might not survive the winter outside even in a well-protected cold frame.
