Thursday, July 12, 2012


It's been a full month since the last post, and this at one of the busiest times of the garden year. What happened? In mid-June, mom fell and broke her leg just beneath the hip joint. She had "hemi hip arthroplasty" surgery the next day, and my sister and I have been hovering over her since. The night before last I slept ovrnight in my own bed for the first time since June 15 - I had been  sleeping in her hospital/rehab center room since the accident. She's making good progress, but it will be weeks before she is home again, and who knows how long before our home schedule and routine get back to normal.
I mowed the lawn yesterday, but otherwise the home garden looks like a bindweed and  poke weed farm. The community garden plots are in better shape, although there too the weeds are getting the upper hand in some places.  


  1. Jim, I hope your mom is doing well. Tell her I said hello! The redhead kid from the 60s. Glenn H.

  2. Thanks, Glenn. Things are going in the right direction, but very slowly.
