Sunday, October 21, 2012

'Sheffield Yellow' chrysanthemum

This is a relatively new plant for me; it's now in its second year. The similar mum called 'Sheffield' has been in the garden for years, and it is one of my favorite plants for the late garden. Also on hand: 'Cambodian Queen', this one is pink, but a cold pink, not the warm, almost salmon color of 'Sheffield'. You can see a weather worn bloom of 'Cambodian Queen' in the upper right hand corner of this image.

These mums are so prolific and do so well as garden plants that they more than earn their keep. I wish the same could be said for the potted mums so widely sold at this time of year. Most of these do not survive the first winter in the garden; occasionally one will establish itself, and I'm trying to work up the nerve to beg one such from a neighbor. 

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