Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rosa 'Souvenir de Madame Léonie Viennot'

Roses and books make a potent combination, and I can't imagine being a rose grower without a substantial pile of books to keep the flame going during the dark seasons and years.  Long ago I picked up a slim paperback book with the intriguing title The Bedside Book of Old-fashioned Roses by Keith Money. His approach to growing roses seems much like my own. It was there that I learned about the rose shown above. It's a late nineteenth century tea rose, not a hybrid tea rose but a tea rose. It's a climbing rose - and a vigorous one, too.


  1. Very lovely pictures. Hmm, I wonder if have this one. I have several bands in pots that haven't bloomed yet.

  2. Je publie ce jour la rose :Souvenir de Madame Léonie Viennot c'est John Hook de La Roseraie du Désert qui me l'a identifiée.

    Bonne journée
