Friday, May 24, 2013

Salvia 'Big Swing'

Salvia expert Richard Dufresne is in town this week: he had a booth at Green Spring last weekend and will be giving a talk this evening. I won't be able to attend the talk, but I was able to buy some plants from him at Green Spring. Above you see one of them, Salvia 'Big Swing'. This has the potential to go up to three feet, maybe more,  and Dufresne told me it will bloom throughout the hot summer. If you like blue, you'll love this one. The flowers appear to be literally ephemeral: so far, my plant has dropped its blooms each evening.

With luck I'll have some pictures of this one later this year when it should be much bigger. The intense blue of these plants is almost invisible in the garden, but close up it's an amazing color. This one is probably not hardy here, so someone please remind me to take cuttings late in the summer.

Check out Dufresne's web site here:

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