Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Crocosmia great expectations


The crocosmias are beginning to bloom, and from what I see so far it will be a great year for them. Some of them are already over four feet high and very heavily budded. The only one in bloom when I looked the other day was 'Lucifer': you will have to explain to me why this plant is not in every sunny garden - in abundance. Its hardiness to cold is well established, so you can forget any bad experiences you might have had along those lines with the old hybrid montbretias.

'Lucifer' is not the only tall one. Last year I planted several sorts reputed to go up into the four and even five foot range: 'Skylights', 'Vera Cruz' and 'Van Noort Giants'. They didn't do much last year, but this year they have really surged - and raised those great expectations.

In the images above you can see 'Lucifer' at the beginning of its display, then two images of other sorts still in bud. Don't you just love those tightly packed ranks of buds?

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