Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cardiocrinum cordatum naturalized in a Maryland woodland

For more about this, see the September Quarterly Bulletin of the North American Lily Society. Two pictures were published there; the videos published here supplement those. There are several other short videos on hand; these might be published later. The bird heard in the background of one of the videos is a red tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis.

Cardiocrinum cordatum
and C. cathayanum (if indeed these two are distinct species) are alike in the unusual way their leaves are arrayed. They appear in late winter at ground level and resemble developing rosettes of skunk cabbage. As the plants develop more, the entire rosette of leaves is raised until it about a foot or more above ground. At this point, it looks like a hosta on a stick. At first glance the foliage appears to form a whorl, but if you look closely you can see that the points of insertion of the foliage are not planar - the seeming whorl is a false whorl. You can see this in this photo:


And here's what the seed pods look like:

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic post but you turn your camera to fast
    Luckily I could stop the movie and really Fantastic view

