Thursday, March 26, 2015

Crocus reticulatus

If it's possible to have a least-favorite-crocus, then for me,  this one, Crocus reticulatus,  is it. The flowers always look dirty and dull. I acquired this one in 2005, so it's one which takes pretty good care of itself. If someone wants to try to convince me that this crocus is really C. versicolor, that someone might find that easy to do.

This has been such a cold, late year that we are only now at the peak of the late-winter, early-spring crocuses. The big Dutch crocuses have yet to bloom for me - maybe the first will open tomorrow.
The signs seem to point in the direction of a year in which a lot of early bloomers will arrive all at once. While walking Biscuit this morning, I noticed that the flower buds of our local flowering dogwoods, Cornus florida are already opening a bit.

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