Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Some of my Virginian relatives

Wayne has been doing some genealogical investigation of his family lately, and he went on to check out my family, too. He found an image (not the image shown here)  of my paternal grandfather's grave stone online, and that got him interested in the location of the cemetery. We typically visit friends on the Northern Neck a couple of times a year, and in doing so pass that cemetery just east of Montross, Virginia.  We took that trip again on August 24, and this time we stopped at the cemetery to find the grave stones. I had been there once and maybe twice in the distant past, so I shared Wayne's curiosity about this cemetery.
We had no trouble finding the head stones: the graves of the Carvers, Robertsons and a a few McKenneys are lined up prominently along the west side of the cemetery.
In the images above you see the stones for my paternal grandparents - both died long before I was born, and before my father brought his new bride down to Virginia to meet the family. I know almost nothing about my paternal grandparents other than that they both died young and had a farm in Caroline County, Virginia. That they came to be buried in Montross was no doubt due to the fact that my maternal grandmother was a Robertson. I'm not aware of any other McKenneys buried there.
The third head stone is that of Nannie Lee Robertson. Our family knew her as Nan Lee. She summered in Montross and wintered in Danville; she never married and was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She visited us once at our home in Silver Spring, Maryland, and that visit provided the following funny story. As I mentioned, my dad grew up on a farm. After Nan Lee arrived for her visit and we had settled down for conversation, she noticed the family dog Scrapper there in the living room with us. Nan Lee turned to my father, and rather crisply inquired "Ashton, you don't allow the dog into the house, do you?" At that, I blurted out "Nan Lee, he sleeps in my bed!".  We never got to know her well, although I do vaguely remember running into her on Connecticut Ave downtown one day: I think she was in town for a DAR meeting. She remembered me as "Ashton's son" but not by name.
Nan Lee and the Carver connection provided me with a bit of a legacy. Uncle Arthur Carver owned the bank and the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Montross back in those days. When Nan Lee died, she left each of the children of her nieces and nephews Coca-Cola stock. I'll bet most of my cousins cashed it in right away; I didn't. I still have mine, and it has grown enough, should the need arise, to keep me comfortable on many a rainy day - and to provide one more happy memory of Nan Lee.  
For a bit more about Uncle Arthur Carver's place,  see here:

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