This northern brown snake was up and about in Wayne's garden on Christmas Day. His garden is home to a stable population of ringneck snakes, but he sees the northern brown snake less frequently. He released the snake after the video was made.
A blog exploring the pleasures of gardening in Montgomery County, Maryland, USA.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Winter jasmine and Santa Claus
It got cold last night, as cold as it’s gotten so far this season. I got up at about 4:15 and checked the thermometer: ours read 31̊° F. When I talked to Wayne later this morning, he told me his read 24° F. The readings here are generally higher than down there (he’s downstream from here, at a lower level and south of here, so it’s down in at least three senses). We had been getting such disparate readings for months, so we decided to use a third thermometer to check out our readings. It turns out that the differences are real and our thermometers are accurate.
It was brisk when I walked Biscuit this morning, but the sun was out and warm; at about 11 A.M. I let her out again, and this time I sat outside to keep an eye on her. The winter jasmine has over a hundred flowers open near the front door, so I moved my chair so that I could enjoy this view. Every time I go out or come in through the front door I pass this plant, and it’s had flowers for me for the last month. It is sheltered by the house wall and the huge fastigiate (but now with a much expanded waistline) Cephalotaxus, so the house entrance is in a little protected nook and its own microclimate. As I sat there, the sun quickly warmed my jacket, and I comfortably settled down into this cozy little niche.
Soon I heard the sirens at the end of our street, and I remembered that this must be the day that Santa Clause comes through the neighborhood on a fire truck – he is accompanied by helpers who distribute candy canes. This has probably happened every year since we moved here – over a half century ago! Mom loved Christmas, and she probably never missed Santa’s annual visit and the candy cane distribution. So I decided to wait and greet Santa and get a candy cane.
I can remember from long ago seeing groups of people, family groups, lining the street awaiting Santa’s arrival. Today I was the only one out there on our block. At the far end of the street I saw what might have been two other people waiting at the curbside; otherwise the street was deserted. As Santa went by on his fire truck I got some pictures and a candy cane. I got the pictures because I could not help but wonder how much longer this tradition will continue.
I brought the candy cane in and put it beside mom’s picture. I could still hear the sirens off in the distance, and then nearby I heard the voices of excited children. I peeked out the door and saw my neighbor with her two children at the curbside. She was peering down the street, evidently trying to decide which way Santa was going. I went out and let them know that Santa had already passed. At that, her daughter piped up and said that she wanted a candy cane. So at that I went in and got “mom’s” candy cane and gave it to them. That’s something mom would have done!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
A mid-December bouquet
Mid-December gleanings |
Bignonia capreolata
Bignonia capreolata |
As a boy I knew this plant as Bignonia capreolata. Then, for much of the last half of the twentieth century, it was Anisostichus capreolatus. It's apparently now back to Bignonia.
In October, 1980, when I drove down to Clemmons North Carolina to meet Wayne's parents, I climbed up into a tree to collect seeds of this plant. Plants raised from those seeds now cover the facade of the house.
While working in the garden today I noticed something interesting. Some of the usually evergreen foliage of this plant is coloring up, and the colors are very close to the color of the blossoms.
Half of December has passed, and we have yet to have prolonged freezes. One result of this is that many woody plants are ripening their foliage much later than usual - and in the process are showing unusual leaf colors. Some seedling oaks which in the past were never notable for autumn color have been very attractive this year.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Camellia japonica 'Morris Mercury'
Camellia japonica 'Morris Mercury' |
This is a new arrival here, from Camellia Forest earlier this year. It has the potential to be an important part of the garden in the long run. For one thing, it will probably prove to be cold hardy here. It was named at the Morris Arboretum in Philadelphia: if it can take the winters there, it should have no trouble here. For another, it's got red flowers. Red-flowered camellias blooming in the snow are one of my favorite camellia effects. For another, it's a fall-blooming cultivar of Korean stock Camellia japonica. There are red-flowered Camellia sasanqua - 'Yuletide' is the one usually seen locally; 'Yuletide' has good flower color, but it seems to lack hardiness. I've never seen a big one locally. 'Morris Mercury' has bright red flowers which are larger than those of 'Yuletide', and if it proves to be hardier than 'Yuletide' it should eventually make a large shrub. A large, hardy, evergreen shrub with red flowers in late November and December: what's not to like?
I hope if I'm writing about this one five years from now all of my expectations have been fulfilled!
The flower in the image was taken today - I expect later blooms to have better form; it's from a plant still in the pot in which it was shipped.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Tulipa doerfleri
Tulipa doerfleri |
Wayne and Jim get married!
Wayne on the left, Jim on the right |
So, here we are thirty-eight years later, a married couple: it's like getting an honorary degree!
Friday, November 20, 2015
Five oaks
This is the time of year when trees become particularly important to me. And of all trees, oaks are my favorites. Here are stories about five oaks.
Years ago, I gave my friend Hilda some evergreen oaks. She lives down on the water of the north side of the Northern Neck of Virginia. The climate there is milder than here, as witnessed by the many Daphne odora growing well for her. Some of them are the size of a two-seater sofa.
Among the oaks I gave her was the holm oak (aka holly oak), Quercus ilex, a species which grows wild in southern and coastal western Europe and north Africa. It's a well-known garden tree in England. I've tried it here in the home garden, but it does not thrive. What I really mean is that it does not survive. Wayne and I visited Hilda the other day, and she took me around to see the holm oak. It has grown into a promising eight to ten-foot youngster which shows no sign of winter damage. Here's a bit of the foliage:
While out shopping a few weeks ago, I stopped by one of the general merchandise stores in the area to look for gloves. Lined up outside on the sidewalk were some still-unsold nursery plants. From a distance, I could not make out what they were, but I saw red foliage. When I got closer, I realized the red foliage was oak foliage. There were several of these: four- to five-foot youngsters of Quercus shumardii in full, brilliant leaf color. One came home with me. Here it is:
Last year, on one of our frequent trips to western Virginia to visit Wayne's family, we stopped by Timberville to see the old family home where his father grew up. Earlier that day we had been talking to one of his cousins who mentioned that she bought an oak which she took up to the old home and planted. The family called the home The Oaks, so an oak seemed appropriate. For me, the story got very interesting when she mentioned that the oak was an evergreen Asian oak. She couldn't remember the name. That did it: Wayne and I immediately added a side-trip to Timberville to see this oak. As it turned out, it was Quercus acutissima. But here's the best part of this story: his cousin had bought this oak at Lowes (of all places!) for all of $10. Here's a view of its foliage:
I've long wanted an evergreen oak here in the home garden, and I finally have one which seems to be thriving here. It's Quercus turbinella, and it's one of those evergreen oaks which at first looks like a holly or an osmanthus. This one too has a story. I got it from the late Jo Banfield, who was a charter member of the local rock garden chapter. And she got her start with this species with a handful of acorns distributed by Panayoti Kelaidis when he was visiting on one of his lecture tours. Here's a look at it now:
And our mossy-cup oaks, Quercus macrocarpa, in the home garden had acorns this year. This oak is probably better known as bur/burr oak. There were only a few acorns, and I managed to get six before the squirrels and deer got to them. They were immediately packed in a moist medium and are now sprouting. Only recently have I become aware of the size differences in the acorns of this species: those in parts of the south (Texas of course) are very big compared to those seen in the north. Years ago, during one of the first years the home-garden trees had acorns, a neighbor took one look at the size of them and asked me to let him collect them. He had land in West Virginia where he hunted, and he wanted those big acorns to grow trees to feed "his" deer. They are big; I think these qualify as Texas-sized. Take a look here:
Two Quercus marilandica and one Q. myrsinifolia were recently received from Woodlanders - I'll show those in the future.
Years ago, I gave my friend Hilda some evergreen oaks. She lives down on the water of the north side of the Northern Neck of Virginia. The climate there is milder than here, as witnessed by the many Daphne odora growing well for her. Some of them are the size of a two-seater sofa.
Among the oaks I gave her was the holm oak (aka holly oak), Quercus ilex, a species which grows wild in southern and coastal western Europe and north Africa. It's a well-known garden tree in England. I've tried it here in the home garden, but it does not thrive. What I really mean is that it does not survive. Wayne and I visited Hilda the other day, and she took me around to see the holm oak. It has grown into a promising eight to ten-foot youngster which shows no sign of winter damage. Here's a bit of the foliage:
Quercus ilex |
While out shopping a few weeks ago, I stopped by one of the general merchandise stores in the area to look for gloves. Lined up outside on the sidewalk were some still-unsold nursery plants. From a distance, I could not make out what they were, but I saw red foliage. When I got closer, I realized the red foliage was oak foliage. There were several of these: four- to five-foot youngsters of Quercus shumardii in full, brilliant leaf color. One came home with me. Here it is:
Quercus shumardii |
Quercus acutissima |
I've long wanted an evergreen oak here in the home garden, and I finally have one which seems to be thriving here. It's Quercus turbinella, and it's one of those evergreen oaks which at first looks like a holly or an osmanthus. This one too has a story. I got it from the late Jo Banfield, who was a charter member of the local rock garden chapter. And she got her start with this species with a handful of acorns distributed by Panayoti Kelaidis when he was visiting on one of his lecture tours. Here's a look at it now:
Quercus turbinella |
Quercus macrocarpa |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Smilax pumila
Smilax pumila |
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium aka Aster oblongifolius
Symphyotrichum oblongifolium |
Years ago a friend called my attention to a long narrow planting of this aster around the corner from her home. Her neighbor had it planted all along the sidewalk, and it had formed a low mass which, when in bloom, was very handsome. At that time, I had plants of two of the best-known cultivars of this species, 'October Skies' and 'Raydon's Favorite', growing in my garden. But both of those were relatively taller than the plants along that sidewalk.
Eventually, self-sown seedlings began to appear in the garden. These were not so tall as the named cultivars. I like the one in the image above: a month ago you would not have expected it to have formed such a broad mass of bloom. I'll be spreading this one around the garden soon. And it makes a great companion for the Sternbergia lutea, doesn't it? (Look carefully, there is one peeking out in the upper left hand corner of the image).
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Colchicum 'Glory of Heemstede'
Colchicum 'Glory of Heemstede' |
Colchicums can be frustratingly difficult to identify, and that's as true of the wild forms as it is of the garden forms. Among the garden forms, some stand out for certain characteristics or combinations of characteristics. Things to look for are the width of the tepals, the presence or absence of tessellation, the size of the flower, the shape of the flower, the blooming season, the presence or absence of a white throat, the presence or absence of color on the outside of the tube (the structure which looks like the stem of the flower but is not). Some are fragrant (in the good sense), some have an odor (i.e. something not particularly pleasant).
And they vary in the intensity of their color. The one shown here, now over a century old, is 'Glory of Heemstede', and it has the most intense color of any of the colchicums I know.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Colchicums, an Esther Bartning homage
Esther Bartning's plate from Gartenschönheit, October 1938 |
The ones in the second row are identified as 'Violet Queen', 'Waterlily' and 'General Grant'.
The ones in the third row are identified as 'Agrippinum', autumnale 'Alboplenum' and speciosum.
The ones in the fourth row are identified as Crocus speciosus albus (but see comments below) and 'Danton'.
The ones in the first row are 'The Giant', 'Lilac Wonder', a substitute for speciosum 'Album', and cilicicum.
The ones in the second row (my row slants more than Bartning's) are 'Violet Queen', 'Waterlily' and a substitute for 'General Grant', Leonid Bondarenko's 'World Champion Cup'.
The ones in the third row are 'Agrippinum', autumnale 'Alboplenum' and speciosum.
The ones in the fourth row are autumale 'Album' and a substitute for 'Danton', the otherwise handsome 'Disraeli' looking a bit tired after a week or so in the refrigerator.
Colchicum speciosum 'Album' has not bloomed here yet - the buds are visible, but they are not moving. If I can keep the rest of the blooms in good condition until it blooms, I might re-do the image later.
If 'Danton' still exists, I'm not aware of a source. In the text which accompanied the Gartenschönheit plate, Karl Foerster describes 'Danton' as "the most magnificent of the deep violet colored giants".
'General Grant' is another hybrid I have never grown or seen offered.
In Bartning's plate the small white flowers in the lower left hand corner are identified as Crocus speciosus albus - the name is now formatted as Crocus speciosus 'Albus'. At first glance, they do look like that plant. But count the stamens: crocuses have only three, the plants depicted show more than that. I've substituted Colchicum autumnale 'Album'; perhaps that was the original intention.
For more about Esther Bartning, see here:
Try a right click to get the prompt to translate.
An approximation done with flowers from today's garden |
The ones in the second row (my row slants more than Bartning's) are 'Violet Queen', 'Waterlily' and a substitute for 'General Grant', Leonid Bondarenko's 'World Champion Cup'.
The ones in the third row are 'Agrippinum', autumnale 'Alboplenum' and speciosum.
The ones in the fourth row are autumale 'Album' and a substitute for 'Danton', the otherwise handsome 'Disraeli' looking a bit tired after a week or so in the refrigerator.
Colchicum speciosum 'Album' has not bloomed here yet - the buds are visible, but they are not moving. If I can keep the rest of the blooms in good condition until it blooms, I might re-do the image later.
If 'Danton' still exists, I'm not aware of a source. In the text which accompanied the Gartenschönheit plate, Karl Foerster describes 'Danton' as "the most magnificent of the deep violet colored giants".
'General Grant' is another hybrid I have never grown or seen offered.
In Bartning's plate the small white flowers in the lower left hand corner are identified as Crocus speciosus albus - the name is now formatted as Crocus speciosus 'Albus'. At first glance, they do look like that plant. But count the stamens: crocuses have only three, the plants depicted show more than that. I've substituted Colchicum autumnale 'Album'; perhaps that was the original intention.
For more about Esther Bartning, see here:
Try a right click to get the prompt to translate.
Monday, September 7, 2015
Ipomoea lindheimeri
Ipomoea lindheimeri |
Here's a morning glory from Texas which is probably hardy enough to survive local winter conditions with a bit of help; I'll try it first in a cold frame. It's sometimes grown more for its thickened roots (it's caudiciform) than for its flowers. But the flowers are nothing to dismiss without due consideration. For one thing, they are relatively big: three inches across. Young plants which have only produced two feet of vine will produce full-sized, proportionally large flowers. And the flowers are fragrant.
Several other North American species of Ipomoea are worth growing for this combination of caudex and large flowers: I. macrorhiza, I. pandurata and I. leptophylla, for instance.
While in the Army I spent a full year in central Texas; during that time most of my free time was spent in the field studying the local flora and fauna. It was during this time that I became very familiar indeed with the name Lindheimer. The Wikipedia entry for Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer states that one genus and over twenty species are named for him; the Lady Bird Johnson Center claims that 48 species and subspecies are named for him.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Haliaeetus leucocephalus The suburban ornithoscopist, no. 1: bald eagle
The suburban ornithoscopist No. 1: video: Wayne Crist, text: Jim McKenney
Under the title given above I’ll be posting some of the
interesting, brief natural history videos Wayne has made. Most of these will be
videos of birds. These posts will be numbered and marked “video: W. Crist; text: J. McKenney”.
Video No. 1 was made on July 5, 2014 while we were visiting
friends on the Northern Neck of Virginia. We were standing at the edge of a
field, absentmindedly looking around. One of our party looked up and saw an
osprey circling high in the sky. As we watched the osprey, a bald eagle flew into
our field of vision at a much lower altitude. No sooner had the eagle appeared
than a big buteo attacked the eagle and chased it off. You won’t see the buteo
in the video – you’ll just have to take our word for it that it was there. You’ll
see the osprey circling high in the sky, and you won’t mistake the bald eagle.
Lycoris: prima donna of the oporanthous garden
Bobbie Lively-Diebold talks about her lycorises.
The feast continues: this is the third post I’ve done this
month relating to lycorises in our gardens. If the first one was a sort of hors
d’oeuvre, and the second one a soup course, then this one, with over thirty
images, must be the main course and dessert both. That I was able to be there
and photograph these is mostly due to pure luck and serendipitous timing. Some of the images could be better – they were
shot at about 7:30 P.M as we moved quickly through the garden. Names might
follow later as the planting charts are consulted, and as they become available
I’ll update this post.
Our queen of the lycoris measures her domain in tens of
acres and has been collecting them for tens of years. Where most of us get a
sprout or two here and there in the garden, her plants sprout in thick clumps,
like handfuls of bird seed dropped on damp ground. This week the turgid, buxom,
sapid (but don’t eat them) scapes are pushing up like elegant asparagus
throughout her garden. They cluster tightly
together like patricians surrounded by the unwashed, as if they feared being
touched and contaminated by the coarseness around them.
Bobbie and I have been friends for decades, but she moved to
a new place about two hours away, and I don’t get out to her place often. Years
ago I had seen her lycorises late in their season, and it was a memorable
experience. What I saw yesterday was
Lycoris chinensis |
More getting started. |
A promise of things to come... |
Another clump just beginning |
This next group of four are either Lycoris sprengeri or hybrids with that species in their background.
Lycoris longituba |
Sorry about the names, but these images will give you an idea of the wonderful effect these plants can produce in the garden.
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